Leaf Collection
2016 Leaf collection is complete. Thank you for making it a successful season.
Waterloo residents have two main options for street tree leaf disposal:
The Region of Waterloo’s bi-weekly yard waste service, where residents collect street tree leaves and put out with their usual waste pick-up. In 2016, this service ends the week of Nov. 28 to Dec. 2.
The City of Waterloo’s loose leaf collection service: residents rake street tree leaves to the edge of the road for curbside collection according to their zone and projected date of service (see details below).
Due to the challenges in completing one round of leaf collection, we cannot guarantee a visit to your zone more than once. If weather conditions are favourable and we do not have to switch to snow removal operations, we hope to visit priority areas again as time and budget allow. Please bag leaves that fall after the collection date for yard waste pickup or use an alternate method such as composting.
Collection zonesLeaf collection zone sign
For street tree leaf collection, the city is divided into zones. Crews start in zones E-1 and W-1 and proceed to E-2 and W-2 (and so on) until each zone has been visited at least once, weather permitting.
Find out what zone you live in here. Signs (see photo) are also posted at major entrances to each zone.
Loose leaf collection begins on Oct. 24 and lasts unit the week of Nov. 21-25. Residents should check the schedule below and rake street tree leaves to the curb as closely as possible to their collection date. Please be aware that this program is weather dependent and may be delayed or cancelled based on poor conditions.